>With A-Rod, it's always about the money, but how many tropical islands does one man need?
>Heather Burnside was a hilarious Britney Spears for Halloween. If Britney hadn't already checked into rehab, watching SoundOFF might do it.
>I promise no more tank tops. First John Basedow, now K-Fed. How do I end up looking this ridiculous each year? (Don't answer)
>John Bachman's promo as me as John Bachman was funny. He's a good sport. If that makes sense, you saw it. If it doesn't, you didn't.
>I'm never comfortable at costume parties or class reunions. Both make me want to stay home, though I usually have a good time if I'll just overcome my insecurities.
>I'll admit, I beat this dead horse too much, but I can't believe how ugly Iowa State's road football uniforms are. Thank goodness they're changing next year.
>The Cyclones were competitive in back-to-back weeks against top 15 teams. When's the last time that's happened? It's the most hopeful sign of the Chizik Era. Don't sell your coins yet.
>Anyone hear any rumors about Andy Fales?
>Pella Christian's Jerry Staton is not only a heck of a football coach, he's a really thoughtful person. He recently wrote a nice letter letting us off the hook for forgetting his name (on-air) and thanking us for covering his Eagles. That's class.
>Kirk Ferentz and staff outcoached Michigan State something fierce. That game looked over at halftime. The Hawks adjusted, the Spartans didn't. Ferentz critics should think about what this man has done in nine seasons. It's harder in Iowa City than you realize.
>How foolish is Dominique Douglas? Time to give this guy the boot. I'm willing to forgive a guy who steals a few DVDs, but not when he's already suspended for allegedly using a stolen credit card.
>The NCAA ruling that takes away a year of eligibility from Lucca Staiger is stupid, unfair, and hypocritical. Punish Staiger because others did something wrong? Idiotic.
>Are you as tired of Kobe Bryant's whining as I am?
>KXNO's coverage of high school football is terrific.
>Smart move by the Iowa Energy signing Jeff Horner. In fact, the Energy has made one shrewd move after another. I'm still not sure NBDL will work here, but having local owners who "get it" sure makes a difference.
>Shawn Terrell is one of the best local sports reporters in the country. We're lucky to have him.
>Chris Hassel always does or says something to make me laugh everytime I see him. He's also a bigtime talent. And nuts.
>I still haven't finished that John Grisham book, Playing for Pizza. I think I read The Firm in one night.
>Love him, hate him, Kid Rock's new album is a blast.
>Can we just call Sunday's game between the Patriots and Colts the Super Bowl? I know the Colts love being overlooked, but I'll still take the Pats on the road.
>If you know anyone from Boston, and I know many people, you know how superior to us they already feel. It's getting worse: Red Sox, Patriots, BC, Celtics hype. Please make it stop.
>Dan Winters' story on local residents "redshirting" their small children was solid journalism and slightly disturbing.
>Great decision by KXNO's Jon Miller to put sports aside and report continuously on the chemical plant fire. Keeping people safe and informed ranks somewhere ahead of Ken O'Keefe's play-calling skills.
>Shows on my TiVo: House, Life, Chuck, Grey's Anatomy, The Office, 30 Rock, Friday Night Lights, Saturday Night Live, Scrubs, Heroes, The Channel 13 News at 6 & 10, SoundOFF (just being honest), and E60 (the new ESPN Real Sports knockoff). Looking at that list, there is no doubt I'm showing NBC a lot of loyalty, but it's hard to be objective.
>Tuesdays with Morrie at the Des Moines Playhouse is solid, but nothing beats reading the book. It's the kind of story---if you buy this sort of thing, and I do---that requires reflection at your own pace.
>Ankeny at Southeast Polk again? Are you kidding me? This is our Colts-Patriots. I think this Monday is the night Ankeny finally breaks through Polk's kryptonite.
>I haven't watched an NBA regular season game from start to finish since Jordan retired. If I had to pick one team to end that drought, it would be the Suns.
>I'm not sure I'm even making sense. My son Colin has had a high temperature and the stomach flu for the past four days. I've slept less than Thomas Edison.
‘QAnon Shaman’ vows to buy guns after Trump pardon
11 hours ago