Monday, January 23, 2012

Paterno Legacy, Cundiff Heartbreak, GOP Ties

Joe Paterno wants to be remembered for all he did do, not what he didn't do. He'll be remembered for both...

Watching Billy Cundiff miss that kick was like watching my son strike out with the bases loaded...

Since my son, Cade, loves the Patriots in the way only an 11-year old can, I thought I'd check to see if  I could afford to take him to the Super Bowl. Uh, no. Average ticket price: $4,183...

Football is, by far, television's top draw...

51% of people watching TV were tuned to the AFC Championship. That's a stunning number considering most people have more than a hundred channels. Then again, do you know anyone who wasn't watching?...

According to the Iowa GOP, both the AFC & NFC Championship games were too close to call. No winners...

Texas reportedly gives Mack Brown a four year contract extension, which pushes the commitment to nine years. If you go 13-12 over two seasons with Texas' unmatched resources, you're fortunate to have a job, let alone an extension. It's good to be Mack Brown...

Iowa State's game at Texas Tuesday is broadcast on the Longhorn Network.  Unfortunately, we don't get the Longhorn Network here in Iowa, why would we? So I called Roger Wallace at the NBC in Austin, Texas to set up a feed. They don't get the Longhorn Network either! Fortunately, Roger will send a photog to the game...
Available nowhere.

I finally watched "Due Date". Robert Downey Jr plays the Steve Martin role, Zach Galifianakas the John Candy. I laughed many times, cringed a few others. Enjoyable, but Downey's path to friendship isn't believable. Worth a viewing as long as you're not out more than $2...
Due Date
Due Date wishes it were Planes, Trains & Automobiles.

1 comment:

Evil Adam said...

You've made me miss John Candy... and start up Trains Planes and Automobiles far later at night than I should.